TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - one cylinder not firing coil and injector ohm okay
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Subject one cylinder not firing coil and injector ohm okay
Posted by Fly-Surf on June 11, 2016 at 1:56 PM
  This message has been viewed 425 times.
Message How can I check if the coil and the injector are getting a "signal" to fire? Both ohm out okay (coil 0.9, injctor 12.6.

I switched coil packs and the problem stayed so that cylinder (#1) has the issue. I always destroy injectors when I remove them so I am trying not to just replace the injector.

I am looking for a way to use my multimeter to ensure there is a signal going to the coilpack and/or injector. The injector sees 12 v all the time (1990) and the coil see 12+v on the center pin when the ignition is on.

I had a ground issue with my PTU (chaffed wire) but I believe I resolved that and this one cylinder is keeping me from smooth operation.

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